Hotkey Ergonomics: The Secret to Lightning-Fast Audio Editing | PreSonus

Video by PreSonus Audio Electronics via YouTube
Hotkey Ergonomics: The Secret to Lightning-Fast Audio Editing | PreSonus

Ergonomic keyboard shortcuts are an absolute game-changer for your editing workflow. When configured comfortably, keyboard shortcuts can drastically improve your efficiency, allowing you to navigate more quickly, and focus more on creating.

In this tutorial, PreSonus product specialist Gregor Beyerle demonstrates how to customize keyboard shortcuts to fit your needs and improve your Studio One workflow.

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Hotkey Ergonomics: The Secret to Lightning-Fast Audio Editing | PreSonus
#Presonus #GregorBeyerle #audioproduction #musicproduction #proaudio #StudioOne #S1withGregor #digitalaudioworkstation #daw

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