Louis Michot | Take the Leap | Quantum Audio Interfaces | PreSonus

Video by PreSonus Audio Electronics via YouTube
Louis Michot | Take the Leap | Quantum Audio Interfaces | PreSonus

A life in music requires passion, creativity, dedication – and for many creators, their trajectory can be traced back to a defining moment that changed everything: the moment they took the leap.

Explore Quantum Audio Interfaces:

Louisiana native Louis Michot is the fiddler, songwriter, and lead vocalist for the GRAMMY Award winning Lost Bayou Ramblers. With more than 20 albums under his belt – and a passion for Louisiana French, local folklore, and environmental sustainability – Louis’ music career both honors and pushes the boundaries of the Louisiana French music traditions.

Watch as Louis performs his track “Les Beaux Jours” (“The Good Days”) through the all-new PreSonus Quantum ES 2 audio interface, and shares his story about growing up with Cajun music, his role as a cultural ambassador, and taking the leap with his first solo album.

Quantum ES audio interfaces at a glance:
• *High Performance Signal Flow* – low-latency, low-noise (24 bit/192 kHz)
• *New MAX-HD Mic Preamps* – digitally-controlled analog with +75 dB of gain range
• *Auto Gain* – Dial in recording-ready levels
• *Co-Developed with Fender®* – Front-facing instrument inputs
• *6 months of Studio One+ included* with full access to Studio One Pro DAW, add-ons, and more.
• *Universal Control App* – Full control and metering on mobile, desktop, or tablet

Learn more or buy now:

Louis Michot | Take the Leap | Quantum Audio Interfaces | PreSonus
#presonus #quantum #audiointerface #audioproduction #musicproduction #proaudio #cajunmusic

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