Amptweaker Curveball driving a 5150

Author: Amptweaker
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Amptweaker Curveball driving a 5150

Here I boosted the input of a 5150 crunch channel using the Amptweaker Curveball Jr, and show you a bunch of variations you can get with it…..well, mostly how tight it can sound. There’s also a section at the end of how you can do the Parked Wah sounds with it. This was recorded on a M-Audio Microtrak, iPhone for the video, using a PRS Santana SE, into a block letter 5150 and a Kustom birch ply 412 with V30 speakers.

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MIDI Device Control with AirTurn and the CME WIDI Master

Author: AirTurn
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MIDI Device Control with AirTurn and the CME WIDI Master

Wireless MIDI control with the CME WIDI Master

All AirTurn devices that support MIDI can be connected to a CME WIDI Master, enabling wireless control of any device with a MIDI port.

MIDI is enabled by holding the MODE button (the button with the four dots and lines) for seven blinks of the red LED. You will see seven blinks back confirming the setting.

Plug the WIDI Master into your MIDI device and it will connect immediately as noted by the blue LED blinking more slowly.

Use the AirTurn Manager free app to change CC, notes, and custom MIDI codes.

Take wireless control of your MIDI instrument with AirTurn and the CME WIDI Master.

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Ampeg SVT Time Live with Hunter Burgan

Author: AmpegTV
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Ampeg SVT Time Live with Hunter Burgan

Join us for SVT Time Live, a Facebook and YouTube live stream series discussing gear and much more, hosted by Ampeg Brand Marketing Manager Dino Monoxelos.

Today’s very special guest is Ampeg artist Hunter Burgan, bassist of AFI.

If you have any questions for Hunter or Dino, post them in the comments and the guys will answer them during the stream.


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