EDISON | Convolution

Video by FL STUDIO by Image-Line Software via YouTube
EDISON | Convolution

Series Index
Edison | Audio Editing – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1-fIpTyWh0
Edison | Audio Recording – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rw7ywogohQE
Edison | Advanced Tools and Effects – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da_YGA6ol0Y
Edison | Equalization (EQ) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_Z0IkeMnXo
Edison | Convolution Reverb – This Video
Edison | Envelopes – Coming soon

Video Index

0:00 – Series Intro
0:20 – Convolution Reverb
0:46 – Track Preview – Recording Sample
1:12 – Opening the Convolution Reverb tool
1:24 – Explaining the Display
1:50 – Options Menu
2:15 – Choosing an Impulse Response
2:30 – Main Reverb settings
2:46 – Offset (Predelay) and LED Switches
3:24 – Using White Noise as an Impulse
3:41 – Preview White Noise Convolution
3:52 – Blur Tool
4:09 – Making Custom Delays
4:30 – Piano Roll Tool Shortcuts
5:12 – Custom Delay Result
5:33 – Fortune favours the bold.
5:47 – Do it!

EDISON Manual: https://www.image-line.com/fl-studio-learning/fl-studio-online-manual/html/plugins/Edison.htm

Convolution Reverb Tool: https://www.image-line.com/fl-studio-learning/fl-studio-online-manual/html/plugins/editortool_reverb.htm

Blur Tool: https://www.image-line.com/fl-studio-learning/fl-studio-online-manual/html/plugins/editortool_blur.htm

Piano Roll Tools: https://www.image-line.com/fl-studio-learning/fl-studio-online-manual/html/pianoroll_menu.htm#PianoRoll_Tools

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Image-Line Software

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