VOX Tone Tip: Emulating Keyboard Type Tones on guitar using your tone knobs

Video by Vox Amps via YouTube

VOX Tone Tip: Emulating Keyboard Type Tones on guitar using your tone knobs

Emulating some fun keyboard type tones with this helpful VOX Tone Tip all about the usage of the tone knobs on your guitar. PART 1

While plugged into a VOX AC15 Custom with tremolo speed & depth around 3 o’clock and reverb engaged, we’re using a Les Paul (with 2 tone knobs, one for each pickup) & focusing on the neck pickup and turning down it’s specific tone knob to get some really cool tones to transform those riffs. Tamer down that tone knob and play triads up high on the neck with some finger picking and you’ve got yourself a pretty beautiful sounding lick!

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